Tabemono Summer Vacation- Hokkaido/Tohoku 2016 Day 8 – Otaru – LeTao Cheesecake and Squid Ink and Uni Ice Cream

Continued from post here.

We checked out of the Sapporo Grand hotel in the morning and all got on our car.  Our plan was to drive to our ryokan in Niseko called Zaborin, which was a three and a half hour drive away.  We planned to make stops at Otaru and Shatokan along the way to break up the trip and enjoy the coastal towns and key attractions along the shores of the Sea of Japan.

First up is Otaru which is a 30 minute drive northwest of Sapporo.  It is a small port town famous for its beautifully preserved canal and the many old converted warehouses that are transformed into restaurants and shops.  It is also known for its glasswork, music boxes, and sake distilleries.

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