Tabemono at Home: Matsutake Takikomi with a Pressure Cooker

Matsutake Mushroom are in season during autumn. It has what some say a spicy cinnamon taste, but I find it more like a pleasant cedar or pine like in aroma.  This year my local Japanese grocery store had them constantly stocked from September through late December.

While shopping at my local Japanese grocery store during the autumn months, I spotted matsutake mushrooms on several occasions and have been enjoying this delicacy.  It is my favorite mushroom as it has a distinctive yet pleasant aroma of pine trees and cedar.   It is usually available from September to January, and are harvested by hand, hence its high price ranging from $15/lb to $50/lb, depending on its grade.  Since I was making dinner that night, I really wanted to showcase this amazing ingredient and decided to make matsutake gohan(rice) in the takikomi style with a stove top pressure cooker as it’s faster than a regular rice cooker. Takikomi is a rice dish that is cooked with vegetables, seafood, meats, or in this case mushrooms and is usually cooked with dashi and a soy sauce mix instead of plain water. Continue reading “Tabemono at Home: Matsutake Takikomi with a Pressure Cooker”